Get custom-tailored solutions for all your pet training needs.

  • leash icon


    Leave It
    Drop It
    Loose Leash Walking
    Down stay
    Sit stay
    Guest Routine

  • Dog Collar icon


    Potty Training
    Play Biting
    Attention Barking
    Counter Surfing
    Cat Chasing
    Chasing Cars
    Asking to Go Potty (no bells needed!)
    Feces Eating

  • dog barking icon


    Human Reactivity Outside
    Guest Reactivity
    Dog Reactivity
    Resource Guarding
    Lunging and Barking


    Seizure Alert
    Diabetic Alert
    Canine Good Citizen Exam
    Public Access Training

  • Parents and kid with family dog in their home


    Designed For Parents
    Your Dog 101
    Solutions Without Training
    Kid Friendly Activities and Lessons

  • Dog bone icon


    Therapy Dog Training
    Separation Anxiety
    Touch Sensitivity
    Bringing Puppy Home
    Cat Training
    Litter Box Training
    Cooperative Health Care
    Socialization Best Practices

Our Programs

  • Dog walking in heel position with leash manners

    Navigator Program

    Are you feeling overwhelmed with your dog lately? Are you wanting effective solutions but without having to do all the work yourself? Through a combination of one-on-one accelerated Learning Sessions between your dog and trainer, and weekly Guidance Lessons with you, your biggest concerns can be worked on with and without your presence.

    Ideal for high-level obedience and behavioral modification for dogs 4 months or older.
    Learn more about this program here.

    4.5 weeks | 18 sessions | $1800

  • Spaniel doing a down stay with good obedience  training

    Wayfinder Program

    Are you seeking answers for how to start fixing your dog's more complicated behaviors, like coming when called or countersurfing, but can't afford our comprehensive program? Or, are you looking to work directly with your trainer for every session?
    Imagine feeling more in control and and happy with your dog in a matter of a few short weeks! With innovative strategies, this compressed program introduces unique methods to set you and your dog up for success.

    4 weeks | 8 sessions | $960

  • Puppy rolling over on grass with a roll of toilet paper

    Canine Compass Crash Course

    Did you recently adopt a new member of the family who recently joined your home, and there’s a few things that need some fixing?
    Jumpstart your family's journey toward a harmonious life with your new dog with our Crash Course. Tailored to be my smallest program design, this course offers the perfect starting point for owners with a new dog. This course gives you solutions and support for 3 to 4 of your main priorities regarding your furry companion. I will provide practical solutions to guide you on the right path. The Crash Course is the perfect opportunity to give your dog the perfect foundation to a well-behaved and fulfilled life. Choose between working together twice a week for 2 weeks, or once a week or 4 weeks.

    2-4 weeks | 4 sessions | $500

  • Board & Train Hybrid (Currently Unavailable)

    A convenient and foundational program designed to teach your dog high-level obedience over the course of 3 weeks. For the first two weeks your dog lives and trains with me, and then spends the last week generalizing all the skills they learned to their own home, ensuring long-lasting results. Learn more on why I opt for a hybrid Board and Train for our clients on our Programs page.

    3 weeks | 18 sessions | $2950

“We can’t thank Canine Compass Dog Training enough for helping my wife and I with our dogs. They both can live peacefully together again! They don’t try to guard anything anymore and they are so much more comfortable around each other!”


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.