A Different Look at “Behavior Problems”

And How It Should Affect How We Train Dogs

Border Collie engaging in a stalking behavior while they herd sheep. The words “Understanding changes everything” are overlayed on the image.

It seems like behavior problems in dogs are all too common these days. However, it is important to remember that these so-called "problems" are not natural occurrences. They are indicators that something is terribly wrong beneath the surface. Many training styles only address the symptoms, not the root causes, of what's going on with your dog. Many owners end up working through multiple training styles and professionals just to land back at square one, or even further behind.

Puppy laying on couch, surrounded by stuffing, looking guilty after chewing on the couch.

Puppy looking guilty after chewing up the family couch.

What is needed is understanding. If we don't understand our dogs, we paint their expressions of natural behaviors as “misbehaviors” and aren’t equipped to handle them correctly. If we don’t understand the why, then we can’t begin to know the how, in order to handle the issue. This utter miscommunication between humans and dogs leaves both parties frustrated.

Black and white spotted puppy play biting on owner as they run and play.

Black and white spotted puppy play biting a human’s ankle while they run.

Understanding a dog's behavior problems requires taking a look at their individual Learning, Environment, Genetics, and Self, also known as their “L.E.G.S.”. Every dog is uniquely different, and many times it takes working with a professional to understand why dogs behave the way they do, and how we can make adjustments to relive those misplaced expressions of behavior. At Canine Compass Dog Training we work with you in your home and around your neighborhood to effectively tackle the problems you and your dog are facing. As a certified Family Dog Mediator, we have a unique level of experience, training, and knowledge that goes beyond regular dog training and behavior modification.

We work throughout the Charlotte, North Carolina area with our clients in their own home, which allows us for an even closer look at the environment your dog needs to thrive in.

Working with a Family Dog Mediator, you can finally get the answers you’ve been looking for. Contact us today to discover which program is right for you!


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What is a Family Dog Mediator?